Tuesday 16 July 2013

'Cloud Atlas':you must read it!

Cloud Atlas
When I read Cloud Atlas I fell in love with David Mitchell and had to buy more of his books to read. This extraordinary novel captivated me and took me on a journey across time and introduced me to possibilities I had never thought of before. 

I advise everyone to read the book and am so very glad that I have read it. 

Please do not be put off by the film! I went to see the film as soon as it came out in UK cinemas but was a little disappointed. The trailer was magnificent and still my favourite trailer of all time, also the cast were amazing and got me all the more excited for the film. Unfortunately I was disappointed with the film. I know that this is how it always is with screen adaptations but I people I went to see the film with who hadn't read the book, hated the film and found it 'to confusing to understand'. I found that people were trying to look into the film to much and this is what made it confusing. 

Parts of the film were great and I especially love the love story of Frobisher and Sixthsmith played by Ben Whishaw and James D'arcy; I would even go as far to say that they portrayed their characters better than Tom Hanks. 

If you have time, if you haven't already, go watch the trailer (make sure it's the extended 6min long one) and please, please, please don't let the film or reviews from the film stop you from reading the book. Rosie Bowen

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